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Information and Registrations for
Ventura Gem & Mineral Society

To edit your account details (including User Code) and see a list of everything you've signed up for in the past, click "User Details" after your name (when logged in).

Log In as existing user     Register as new user
...or simply choose an event to continue.


Upcoming Events:

3rd Saturday (4th Saturday due to Quartzite)
Sat., Jan 25, 2025
9 am - noon

VGMS & Tri-Club Field Trips


You must be a VGMS member to sign up to visit the VGMS Clubhouse.


For trips run by OGMS, please sign up at their page: OGMS Whoscoming (You will need to register as a new user the first time you sign up at OGMS.)

By signing up online, you provide the leader with important information, like who to expect, and your cell phone number. Also, by looking to see who else has signed up, you may want to make carpooling arrangements. When you register for a trip, you'll get an email with contact info for the leader and a reminder email a few days before the trip. If you need to cancel your reservation, please do so online so we know not to wait for you. Rain cancels a trip, but please cancel reservation so we know you didn't head out anyway.

Please print this release, sign it, and bring it with you to the workshop (you only need to do this once):

VGMS Main Website
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